The start of the Rebelle rally began with a 182km Prologue. The results of the short segment will produce the starting order for Stage 1. It would also be the teams first opportunity to shake down the vehicles and get any pre-rally jitters out of the way as it is an un-scored day and won’t hurt your overall rally.


The loop contained 9 checkpoints as well as a few hidden waypoints that the teams have to use a compass and ruler to pinpoint and nail. It Crossed multiple dry lake beds and winded up a few rocky canyons before ending with an enduro. The enduros are timed sections where you have a start time and an end time. Every second you are early or late to each checkpoint you lose points. The enduro ended on a checkpoint option where competitors have to make a choice between two points. One being easier worth small points or the harder one worth more. Once they made the decision and found their checkpoints they worked their back to Basecamp 1. 


Ali and Keri took the day to work out a couple of things before the start of Stage 1. 

“Prologue went great. It was a great day to get the first day jitters out. Honestly it was an overall good practice, we were able to figure out some kinks and be able to work them out. The sight seeing was awesome, seen a camel and a really cool airplane that flew through some mountainous, canyon terrain. One of the mistakes we did make is at the beginning of the enduro we totally forgot set the start on our stop watch. Now that we know we did that, tomorrow is a brand new day and we’re ready to rock!” 
— Ali Currie
Some vehicles would find the prologue a bit tricky going backwards on course trying to find the right checkpoint.

Some vehicles would find the prologue a bit tricky going backwards on course trying to find the right checkpoint.

Not only do you have to deal with tricky navigation, you also have to deal with planes buzzing the course trying to get a close view of the rally.

Not only do you have to deal with tricky navigation, you also have to deal with planes buzzing the course trying to get a close view of the rally.

Food has been amazing at the rally so far and it sounds like it will only get better.

Food has been amazing at the rally so far and it sounds like it will only get better.

Today Starts Stage 1 and will begin with a timed enduro before tackling multiple washes and dry lake beds and will consist of 18 checkpoints over 218kms.

Day One starts with a climbing twisting REC through the Monte Cristo Mountains. Upon finishing the Enduro, teams take off into the high desert area with a number of navigation points they can use to ensure they nail their route, assuming the peaks are not overly obscured by smoke. The route takes teams onto Kibby Dry Lake Bed before turning west and winding its way to the Pittsburgh mining site. Located within the bounds of the ancient Great Basin, the final section of the course contains particularly stunning terrain as teams enter Fish Lake Valley, with epic colorful landscapes that will distract as well as serve as helpful navigation points.
— Rebelle Rally

A Currie Media House Article

Kyle Chandler